Introduction Find all the forms and details you need to apply, respond to an application or send us documents about your case. On each form you will see how to submit it to us and where possible we encourage you to apply online. Content View Child pages Our Online Lodgment Service Our Online Lodgment Service Apply now Deck You can submit applications online or by email. Apply now Forms Deck Access and download forms for all services. Forms Legal help and representation Deck Access legal advice and ways to find a lawyer or paid agent. Legal help and representation Fees and costs Deck You need to pay for some applications or ask us to waive the fee. Fees and costs Deadlines Deck Always check the timeline. We may not accept late documents. Deadlines Who Australia's national workplace relations system covers Deck Understand the national workplace relations system. Who Australia's national workplace relations system covers Approved file types Deck Understand the file formats you must use when lodging documents. Approved file types
Legal help and representation Deck Access legal advice and ways to find a lawyer or paid agent. Legal help and representation
Who Australia's national workplace relations system covers Deck Understand the national workplace relations system. Who Australia's national workplace relations system covers
Approved file types Deck Understand the file formats you must use when lodging documents. Approved file types