Employees or outworkers who believe their take-home pay has been (or will be) reduced as a result of the commencement of a modern award may be able to seek a take-home pay order. An individual employee or outworker can apply for an order using Form F47A. Modern awards began operating from 1 January 2010.
On this page:
Who can use this form
Use Form F47A if you are:
- an individual employee or outworker who believes your take-home pay has been reduced by the start of a modern award
- a union that can represent the employee or outworker
- a person acting on behalf of an employee or outworker.
Before you start
Have this information ready before you begin. You will need to tell us:
- your details
- your organisation's details (if you are applying on behalf of an organisation)
- your representative's details, such as a lawyer or paid agent (if you are using one)
- the details of the employer of the person who is making the application
- the industry/business of the employer
- the date you began working for the employer
- the name of the applicable modern award
- the name of the award based transitional instrument that previously applied to you
- the details of the work you perform for the employer
- the details of the alleged reduction in take-home pay.
We store your information in line with this form's Privacy notice (pdf).
Apply now
Email your application to lodge@fwc.gov.au.
You can also send or deliver your document to the Commission office near you.
You must send (serve) a copy of your application to the respondent. You must do this as soon as possible.
What happens next
After we receive your application, we will contact you to explain the next steps in the process.
Rules and regulations for this form
Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009: Schedule 3A item 32, Schedule 5 item 9, Schedule 6 item 12, Schedule 6A item 14
Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2009: Regulation 2.07 and Regulation 2.08