Tags: agreements benchbook, Benchbook, Benchbooks, enterprise agreements, Enterprise bargaining
The Fair Work Commission has today published an updated version of our Enterprise agreements benchbook.
The updated version incorporates recent changes relating to casual employees, including:
- adding offers and requests for casual conversion to the list of minimum standards under the NES
- adding information about how to vary enterprise agreements to resolve uncertainty or difficulty with the new definition of casual employee or the casual conversion provisions.
It also incorporates changes to the requirements for declarations in support of agreement applications, and information about related offences under the Criminal Code.
The benchbook contains plain English summaries of the key principles of bargaining and agreement making case law, and how these have been applied in Commission decisions. It is intended to help parties who are bargaining for, and making, an enterprise agreement.
The Enterprise agreements benchbook is designed to be read online and can be accessed on the Commission’s website. A printable version of the benchbook is also available for download.